Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So busy!

I've been wanting to add another blog, but I'm so busy that it gets difficult to find time to even do some of the smallest things. I'm going to try and be a little better at this.

My kids have been keeping me so busy it's been a bit of a whirlwind at times.

Let's start with William who has always demanded lots of attention and we still have not gotten him straightened out. I took him to a sleep specialist at Johns Hopkins to see if they could give us any more answers than his last sleep specialist was able to give us. He still wakes up throughout the night fussing and crying. Now he's old enough to say "owie" and let me know something is hurting him, yet not old enough to really pinpoint what it is. He is having another sleep study in November to see if his Central Sleep Apnea has gotten better, and if his Periodic Limb Movement Disorder and Restless Leg Syndrome has improved at all. Lately he's been saying his "belly's owie," but when asked where it hurts he points all over and says, "yeah, owie." So who knows if that's part of his problem or not. I just hate that every morning he wakes up grouchy and fussy. One of the best moments with little ones is when they first wake up in the morning and you hear them in their room babbling away, you walk in and they sit up and just smile at you, and are so excited to see you. Not William though. He wakes up crying, you walk in to get him, and he buries his face in his pillow and squirms and cries some more. It's like he's not ready to be awake, but he doesn't want to sleep anymore either. And then he's tired and grouchy all day. Or he's extremely hyper active going 90 mile an hour. There is NO calm, happy medium with this kid!!!

Now on top of William's issues I have Isabella, who also has Reflux, like my other 3 babies and can get pretty fussy at times cause her belly hurts. Now I hate to complain about her problems because she has been by far my easiest going baby, but with William around it makes getting her to sleep even more difficult cause he is always SO loud. And his crying really seems to affect her and make her fussier. All that being said, she really is such a sweet baby, and I am so blessed to have her.

Now we have Tristan, who has been having all sorts of issues lately. For the last year or so he's had problems with headaches and stomach problems. He has been having problems with throwing up and the last month or so it has gotten way worse and he now has to have an upper GI done to see what's going on. On top of that he has sprained his ankle twice in the last 5 weeks. And if that wasn't enough for the poor boy, he now has an abscessed tooth. Which he's going to have to have it pulled, once the antibioics get rid of the infection. I feel bad for him. He has really been quite misesrable lately!

Thankfully Sierra has been extremely healthy!!

I'm so tired of Doctor's visits. And the long drives it takes to get to Many of William's specialist appointments. Either at Hopkins or Hershey. Monday we have an appointment up at Hershey with William's GI and hopefully they can tell me why William's been complaining about his belly.

I will try and post more blogs on a regular basis, so that I can share some of the good and funny stories that happen around here as well. :) It's not all bad. There are a LOT of wonderful, and funny moments to share as well.