Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The reflux baby

Things have been so crazy busy lately I haven't had much time to write.

We are dealing with the dreaded "R" word in this house..... AGAIN! You would think after having FOUR babies I would have at least gotten 1 happy healthy baby. No such luck. I decided to breast feed Isabella hoping it would help with the Reflux and that she would be able to digest her milk faster and not spit up so much, but no such luck. She is fussy and spits up a LOT! The one thing is, she is a little more consolable then the rest of my babies have been, but I think that might just be experience. Sierra was my screamer, and they have become more consolable the further down the line we go.

Last week, I finally had to admit to myself and the doctor that she is having the same problems as the others. He sent me out the usual prescription for Prevacid and now we just have to play the waiting game. It takes about 2 weeks to see if it helps. And none of my other children completely benefited from it. It helped some but they were still pretty fussy. Sierra outgrew her fussiness by the time she was 10 months old. Tristan was 7 months old. And William is still a GROUCH, although he has other issues as well.

So now I am just kicking it into survival mode. By now I should be an expert at it, but I am still not. I just keep telling myself that I will eventually get my cleaning caught up, and get caught up on eveything I am behind on, but it all still stresses me out. I have never been a patient.

*sigh* Here's to hoping that this Prevacid will kick in and be the answer and much needed break I need!