Monday, July 2, 2012

Isabella's feeding issues

WARNING: This blog is all about my breastfeeding woes! So if you don't want to read all about my boobs, and who would really, feel free to x out of this blog.

Ok. Since Isabella has had me up since 4:30 this morning and everyone else is still sleeping I figured now would be a good time to blog.

Isabella has a doctors appointment today at 10:00 to go over her feeding problems she's been having. Let me tell you, women who breastfeed are SAINTS!! I don't know how they do it, but wow. They say once you get past 2 weeks it's easy. Well its been 6 and it just keeps getting harder!! :(

This girl from the beginning has had a terrible latch. My lactation consultant (thank god for them!!!) told me she is having problems with her upper lip curling under and needs to have her frenulum evaluated. So that's what we are doing today. And on top of that she sucks so hard her jaw cracks. And don't even get me started on the pain I've been enduring. That's a whole 'nother sob story!! She takes in more air than milk, which is causing her to be very gassy, and she is hungry 5 minutes after she's done eating and let's out a huge old man burp.

So anyway, all that being said, all this kid does is suck on my boob. I can't get anything done. My house is a disaster. My laundry is piling higher and deeper. And I don't think I have a single clean dish in my house. Ok, so that's not entirely true, I just washed a bunch last night, until she wanted to eat.... AGAIN! If someone finds a magic house elf could you please send them my way!!

I really just want to give the kid a bottle and be done this madness, but she won't take one. I've tried 3 different ones. Maybe I just haven't found the magical one yet, I don't know. But she won't take a pacifier either. I'm pretty sure she's just using me as one.

So today we have an appointment with her pediatrician to check out her mouth, and see what we can do to either fix her latch or just be done. If I have to pump for the next 10 months, I'll do it. It's time consuming. But not as time consuming as her feeding for hours at a time. And I will continue searching for that right bottle.

Now, I have to get 4 kids ready and out the door by 9:00 for her appointment. Fun stuff!!