Friday, June 29, 2012

My CRAZY day and it's only noon.

This morning started out busy. As pretty much every morning has been since Isabella's been born.

She is such a wonderful baby and by far my best baby. All 3 of my other babies have had such bad reflux and colic and cried all the time. I decided to breasfeed her hoping to avoid some of the GI issues that my other 3 had experienced. When Sierra was born I had planned on breasfeeding her, but with her severe reflux she had been nursing and had turned blue when her milk aspirated back into her lungs. No fun!! And I decided after that I was done. Since breastmilk is thinner then formula the doctor had told me this could happen, and told me to pump and add cereal to it. Well who has time for that when your baby is always screaming and crying in pain. :(!! But anyway..... with all of William's health problems I decided to give this breastfeeding thing another chance and let me tell you it's been a bit of a challenge.

Since Isabella's been born she has had a rough start. First off, she was constantly trying to come early. So when we went in to the hospital for the 3 time with contractions 2-3 mintes apart, they finally decided we could safely have her at 37 weeks, and boy did she come fast. After only 3 pushes she was here. And she came so fast that she still had amniotic fluid in her lungs, and wasn't really crying and just very sleepy. In fact, we had problems getting her to eat and by the time we left the hospital the next day she had lost almost a pound. When we left that day, the said she was jaundiced and we needed to follow up with her pediatrician the very next day. Well her bilirubin numbers kept going up within the next few weeks, until they finally tapered off. She still has some jaundice and is still a little yellow, but it's getting better. Then she got thrush which I also got a yeast infection in my breasts which made breastfeeding miserable for us both. :( She has been having troubles with breastfeeding and latching on which I guess has caused this and has made our issues worse. Then last week she ended up with a horrible cough, took her to the doctor and guess what? She has pneumonia. poor girl. She just can't catch a break. I'm telling you all of this to lead up to all the chaos that has lead up to my day. Now, I don't know if since she is having problems latching, or maybe it's this 6 week growth spurt they go through, or maybe since she's been sick she wants a lot more comfort, maybe I don't have enough milk coming in, who knows, but all she wants to do is nurse. For hours and hours. Which leads me to my morning.....

Isabella wakes up around 8:00 this morning wanting to eat. Which she currently is waking up at night every hour and a half to 2 hours to eat every night. So I very tiredly get up knowing the marathon eating is getting ready to start. I get up and start feeding her. She will fall asleep after about a half an hour and wake up wanting to eat again 5 minutes later. I'm sitting here in a reclined position on my couch feeding her while William is running around like crazy like always trying to get into everything he shouldn't be. Yelling and crying like he always does. We still have not gotten all of his sleep issues straightened out, and he is quite cranky and irritable a lot. He cries more than the baby does. I give him a pop tart and juice for breakfast since I don't have time to get his normal breakfast set up in his high chair, and he's dropping trails of pop tart all through out the living room which I am watching in disgust. Like I have time to vaccuum my house 20 times a day. Ugh. Anyway, it's 11:30 AM and I am still feeding Isabella when Tristan who was outside playing comes running in the house crying, tears streaming down his face, that something is in his ear. Ok. Great. I put Isabella down, so I could take care of him and look at his ear. I didn't see anything, but he is crying saying it hurts and that there is a weird vibration in his ear. So I'm wondering if maybe a bug didn't fly in his ear. Eeewww... And I ask him if that what happened and he said maybe that's kind of what it feels like, that he has a bug in his hear and it's flapping it's wings. Again... Eeeewww.... So I tell him to lay down in the bath tub and soak his ear in the water and hopefully this will help it feel better. And we will most likely have to go to the doctors. Meanwhile, Isabella is sitting in her bouncer chair, crying her eyes out, starving to death (enter sarcasm here)! Back to feeding her again. My house is a disaster, my son isn't getting the attention he wants and all I do all day long is sit around with a baby on my boob. Not exactly how I ever pictured breastfeeding to go. I'm about ready to quit this breastfeeding madness and start giving this kid a bottle. I don't have the time for all this. Sigh. So I sit here writing this blog with a baby on my chest, looking and thinking of everything I need to get done. One of these days I'm sure I will look back on all of this and laugh. One day.

Here's to hoping the rest of my day gets better. It does help to rant and get all this out. Maybe this whole blog thing will turn out to be therapeutic. :)